Educational Blogs National Entrepreneurs Day: Spotlight on Sherry Rowley, Co-Founder and CEO of Off Duty Managementread more What is Off Duty Management?read more Off-Duty Officer Saves Little Girl from Being Hit by a Carread more Workers’ Compensation: Common Misconceptions Concerning Off-Duty Police Officersread more Hidden Costs of Off-Duty Assignments: The Financial and Emotional Tollread more Breaking Down Barriers: Celebrating Women’s History Month with Sherry Rowleyread more Breaking Down Barriers: Celebrating Women’s History Month with Jonni Redickread more Breaking Down Barriers: Celebrating Women’s History Month with Shellie Salserread more An Individualized Approach to Officer Wellness Strategiesread more Officer Wellness with Retired Chief Brian Manley of Austin PDread more 4 Situations – Off-Duty Officers Need Workers’ Compensationread more The Off-Duty Blind Spot – Retired Chief Brian Manleyread more Are your officers covered while working off-duty?read more What is Delinquent Off-Duty Pay? (and how to stop it…)read more 5 troubling ways agencies make the headlines for off-duty work incidentsread more Are you looking for areas to reduce your off-duty expenses?read more Is your agency feeling a liability strain?read more
National Entrepreneurs Day: Spotlight on Sherry Rowley, Co-Founder and CEO of Off Duty Managementread more