Recent Headline Review – December 2022
Estimated Read Time: 2 Minutes
Lack of workers’ compensation and liability coverage can leave officers at risk when working off-duty jobs. Lack of reporting can also result in misrepresentation of hours, resulting in fraud headlines. The absence of reporting can also lead to excessive hours worked, raising the risk of fatigued officers. Partnering with an Off-duty management program can help reduce risks for officers, agencies, and vendors.
11/14/2022 Suspect Arrested After Allegedly Stabbing Deputy at a Local Supermarket Chain
A deputy was stabbed while working an off-duty detail at a grocery store. The suspect, a shoplifter, stabbed the officer after getting caught stealing from the store.
Off-Duty Blind Spot:
Off-duty jobs often carry the same risks as working on-duty shifts. The same liability or workers’ compensation coverage, however, may not be in place. Medical bills and loss of work can affect officers long-term if injuries occur. Law enforcement officers should ensure they are protected by liability coverage and workers’ compensation before accepting off-duty assignments.
11/14/2022 Off-Duty Cop is Run Over After Removing Driver’s Girlfriend from Bar
A driver intentionally struck a law enforcement officer with his car. The incident occurred while the officer worked an off-duty job at a local bar. While detaining a woman for a possible assault, the woman’s boyfriend hit the officer with his car, pinning the officer between two vehicles.
Off-Duty Blind Spot:
Off-duty officers need coverage for medical expenses wherever they work. Gaps in coverage remain common while working off-duty assignments. Police officers should confirm protection with liability coverage and workers’ compensation before accepting off-duty assignments.
12/06/2022 Officer Shoots at Suspect Attempting to Rob FedEx Vehicle
An officer in uniform working an extra employment job observed what he believed to be a robbery of a FedEx delivery vehicle. The officer took action to stop the robbery and discharged his duty weapon at the suspect.
Off-Duty Blind Spot
When the use of deadly force becomes necessary, both officers and suspects can sustain injuries. Medical bill coverage, workers’ compensation, and liability coverage may be inconsistent when working off-duty assignments.