Off-Duty Headlines - Fall Review '22

Recent Headline Review – Fall Review 2022

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

67% of Law Enforcement Leaders are Unaware of Off-Duty Job Risks


An informal poll at this year’s CALEA conference found that 67% of law enforcement leaders are unaware of most off-duty job risks.

By recapping off-duty incidents reported in the media each month, we hope to mitigate the risks and liabilities officers and agencies may face when working off-duty assignments. Our goal is to continually educate leadership while carrying out our mission of protecting officers. We accomplish this through a comprehensive off-duty program that includes liability insurance and workers’ compensation coverage.

Below is a breakdown of our 2022 Headline Reports to date.  The following statistics show the types of off-duty job incidents most commonly reported in media headlines.


30% Hours Worked Discrepancies

30% of media headlines in 2022 described accusations of double-dipping, hours worked disputes or submitting fraudulent hours worked.

15% Off-Duty Officer Injury/Death 

Approximately 15% of situations involved an officer tragically injured or killed while working an off-duty job. These incidents may result in potential liability and workers’ compensation concerns, consequently affecting officers financially for long periods of time. 

12% Off-Duty Liability Issue 

Around 12% of headlines analyzed pertain to an off-duty job in which an officer takes necessary action, therefore raising the risk of unwanted liability. 

9% Lack of Off-Duty Job Oversight 

9% of headlines deal with reporting issues that force agencies to make drastic off-duty job policy changes or eliminate jobs.

6% Off-Duty Officer Tax Issue

6% of headlines regard unmanaged off-duty programs leading to tax issues with cash jobs, multiple employers, and unreputable businesses.


Call us, The Experts in Off-Duty Management, to protect your officers and your agency from the risks and liabilities of off-duty work.