Recent Headline Review – September 2022
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Our recent headline review shows the results of blind spots in off-duty job programs. It is important to track off-duty jobs to avoid fraud and tax evasion charges. Off-duty management programs also offer workers’ compensation and liability coverage for injuries and legal incidents. Read through the following headlines to see if your agency has similar blind spots.
09/28/2022 Police Commander Faces Discipline for Hiding His Work with Private Security Companies, Failing to Pay Taxes
A Police Commander is accused of hiding income from working off-duty jobs at special events. In addition, the allegations state the Commander failed to pay taxes on that income.
Off-Duty Blind Spot:
Whether intentionally or accidentally, misrepresented earnings are a major issue for agencies across the nation. Many agencies utilize the increased reporting capabilities of centrally administered off-duty programs to get immediate reports about job dates and hours worked to add an extra layer of transparency to identify payment issues.
03/2022 ‘Hellcat’ Driver Crashing Into Vehicle Gets Away After Being Fired At By Officers Working Off-Duty
While working off-duty, officers encountered a reckless driver endangering their lives and the lives of civilians exiting a sporting event.
Off-Duty Blind Spot:
Directing traffic is a notoriously dangerous job, and most officers who work traffic control while off-duty don’t have the same liability coverage they do while on duty. If a worst-case scenario plays out, officers and their families could face financially devastating medical bills.
0/05/2022 Four Police Officers Arrested, Suspected of Payroll Fraud
Four police officers are accused of leaving off-duty security shifts early but still claimed to complete the shifts. After an investigation, a gap in payroll systems was discovered, which allowed officers to be paid for overlapping shifts.
Off-Duty Blind Spot:
Studies show that payroll fraud and double-dipping are two of the fastest-growing reasons that agencies find themselves in media headlines. This is not surprising when you consider that most scheduling systems have major gaps in off-duty functionality and accountability.